May 21Liked by Peter McLaughlin

Don’t worry, your brain is sufficiently sharp such that what might count as a doodle for you is better than many people’s finished paintings.

Also, I suspect you’re like me: writing feels essential to maintain minimally acceptable cognitive standards. It’s exercise for the brain. So do your exercise as feels right; give no more of a crap whether others like your very good doodles then you would care whether they did not like a route you chose to jog on.

(the worst thing about spending eight months in hospital was how being unable to write, or even read, I could feel myself becoming stupider. Luckily, that part was reversible. Shame about my stupid spinal cord.)

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A blog doesn't have to be a painting, it's perfectly fine for it to be an art gallery. Or, to switch metaphors — once you've figured out that being Kant is off the table, you can do a lot worse than being Lichtenberg.

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